The Law of Attraction: Learning to move up the Emotional Scale
Your emotions give you precise feedback on where you are in relationship to your Inner Being, or Source of Love and Awareness.
Therefore, if you have no awareness of the inner dimensions of your reality, then some or most ports of your life will probably be an uphill struggle because you can’t effectively manage your own vibration.
Any negative emotion (which is a reaction to ‘what is’) feeds your original thought about what you are experiencing, energising it, and then you have another similar thought that adds power to the first thought, and so on.
When your thoughts and emotions are positive, life will work well for you but when you constantly generate negative thoughts and emotions in response to what is showing up, you will tend to go in a downhill spiral.
Firstly, pick a topic that’s triggering you — it could be money, health or personal relationships.
Above you will see the emotional scale split into two parts (really it’s one fluid scale), as first given by Abraham-Hicks, and you will be somewhere on it with regards to your topic. That is to say, the dominant vibration you are offering will be encapsulated by a word, or perhaps several words that are in close proximity to each other.
Frustration and worry often go together. Anger and Joy do not, they are very different in vibration.
The words don’t matter so much as the frequencies behind the words! When you focus on a particular area of your life, you will find your ’emotional set point’ to be somewhere on this scale because of what you have been living/observing.
You will tend to be towards the top of the Emotional scale, if a particular area is working for you, and you will tend to be at the bottom if an area is not working. It’s that simple.
When working with the Law of Attraction, most people want to be at the top straight away but you can’t usually jump from feeling grumpy, negative feelings to feeling suddenly positive and upbeat. These vibrations are too different in their frequencies. Your practiced, dominant frequency will ultimately prevail each time.
Another vital key is that you must incrementally reach for better feeling thoughts by focusing on wanted aspects of the area you wish to improve.
This is not usually easy for the beginner because they are very practiced in offering an “unwanted” vibration, rather than a “wanted” vibration. As with all skills, it takes time and patience, along with depth of understanding.
I’d like to share an example with you that has helped many others along the way.
After covering the mechanics of moving up the emotional scale, my students were invited to go home and practice on an area that needed cleaning up. One of them decided to focus on the area of personal relationships, as she was having a lot of difficulties at work with her boss – ultimately, she felt was being spoken to and treated disrespectfully by her boss, whom we will call ‘Ms X’.
She felt that Miss X distrusted her and often spoke to her with animosity, which was clearly an unwanted situation.
Unwanted situations arise for many reasons but their purpose is to lead to clarity about we really want to bring into our lives. If we can learn to focus quickly and consistently on what we do want, then the Law will work for us, rather than against us.
Many people are so accustomed to giving their attention to the unwanted aspects of their vibrational mix that they find it extremely difficult to focus on the wanted aspects. They are trapped in a vicious cycle of ‘observation’ and ‘reaction’.
The good news is that our Inner Being is attuned to what we want, and is always there for us, and holding a signal of joy that we can re-attune ourselves to. It is the signal we want to follow!
When we deviate from that path, we immediately feel ‘off track’ and experience negativity of all kinds…
This article has been updated and moved to my global Substack. Join me there!
Want help with really living the Law of Attraction? Book a session today with master coach Jaime Tanna, and change your life!
I do belive in energy therapies & would really like to see results. Also know a master in rikie which offer mi a training course with certificate, I wish to attend one of James classroom in the future.
Amazing article so inspriting
My challange is that I live quite socially isolated, I do have access to the Internet, but not ‘real’ people I can share with. I am seriously working toward relocating, it has been a long time coming….being with people of like mind or close to a teacher would help me advance in my personal healing.
very interesting
I want to sign up for the six week course
Thanks for your interest and signing up Sonal, great to have you with us! Namaste.
where does fear fall on the scale?
At the bottom of the scale, along with powerlessness, grief, depression and so on… fear is the opposite polarity to love.
I would like help in clearing negative emtions.
Major thanks for the post.Thanks Again. Will read on… Wunderly