Can tapping on your body really make you feel better?

eft emotional freedom techniqueSo what’s all this tapping about then? Tap, tap, tap…

Well, tapping in random places on your body might not do much but tapping on specific acupressure points, widely known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, often produces incredible results!

This tapping technique has gained both popularity and huge credibility in the last decade with both scientific studies and books on the New York Times bestseller list.

I’ll admit the first time I encountered tapping I thought to myself, ‘what the hell is going on here’? People were repeating certain phrases and tapping with two fingers on points on their faces.

However, I was desperate for some deep change in my life and so I gave it a go.

Fast forward five years later, and I continue to be amazed at the emotional relief and life transformation it brings, not only to me but also to my clients, friends and society as a whole.

Tapping, put simply is a self-acceptance technique. The process of tapping on specific acupressure points on your body directs kinetic energy through your meridian pathways (which is the same theory as acupuncture). You tap on these points whilst consciously tuning into an issue that is emotionally bothering you.

For example, you are feeling anxious about going to the doctor, you have a feeling in your gut that you can’t shake, you are ruminating about a potential diagnosis and you can’t get out of your own head.

We’ve all been in that place where we are worried, anxious or downright fearful of an event we have to face.

When you tap, you tune into that energy, that emotion, (energy in motion) rate it’s intensity and after using the basic EFT protocol, it can be like flicking the switch. The emotion changes, it moves, you gain a new perspective, a relief about what you have to face or think about.

The beauty of learning tapping is that once you’ve ‘got’ it, it’s a free tool you’ve got for life.

You can do it anywhere and use it on anything – whether that’s pain, money blocks, allergic reactions, anxiety, past traumas or indeed any issue that you’d like to feel differently about.

Just as you might learn to meditate or practice playing tennis you wouldn’t expect to be an expert overnight. However with a few concerted efforts, you’ll soon have the basics. Once you feel the shifts and experience the peace you can achieve from tapping, you will want to know more.

EFT says that tapping works in three main ways – so just start with the first one and move down the list as you grow in confidence and curiosity!

  1. The basic tapping technique protocol reduces the physical or emotional symptoms in the body and turns off the fight or flight response.
  2. When the underlying issues or traumatic memories that are causing the response present themselves, we use the EFT Movie Technique to remove all the negative aspects of that memory, which in turn resets that particular pre-programmed response.
  3. Beyond the traumatic incident and the clearing of the responses are the belief systems that are in place, and this is where Matrix Reimprinting (EFT’s dynamic and metaphysical sister) really shines and takes the potential of EFT even further.

What do you need some emotional relief from? Download a Quick Start manual from to learn that basic technique in just 20 minutes!

Expand Your Awareness:

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  1. Book a life changing “remote healing session” with Soul Guidance with Jaime:
  2. Join Jaime’s fantastic 1 year Energy Coaching Program: Total Frequency Shift — Discover Radiant Health & Freedom
  3. Sign up for Jaime’s exciting new substack at
April 29, 2016

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