10 Powerful Uses & Benefits Of Using Oregano Oil

oregano herbThe medicinal use of oregano oil actually dates back to ancient Roman and Greek times, when the leaves were used for common ailments such as aching muscles and skin sores. McCormick Science Institute shares that Oregano has also been used in traditional medicines for such ailments as asthma, cramping, diarrhea, and indigestion. In Greece, an oregano infusion is still used as a folk remedy against colds and upset stomach and to maintain general health.

This versatile plant can be used for illnesses such as allergies, bronchitis, croup, rheumatoid arthritis, urinary tract infections and headaches. In addition oregano oil applied topically can help with dandruff, athletes foot, ringworm, toothaches, and varicose veins it can even be used as an insect repellent. The list of essential oil benefits are evidenced, as backed by the over 600 studies at Pubmed.


What’s in oregano oil?

The benefits of oregano oil are attributed to its properties as an anti-allergenic, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, antiparasitic, antiviral and digestive compound.

Oil of oregano is very high in phenols that have wonderful antioxidant benefits. The two most prominent compounds are carvacrol and thymol which have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Pub Med has over 800 science based studies on the benefits of carvacrol, including its ability to reduce and reverse allergies, bacterial infections, candida, fungal infections, inflammation, parasites, tumors and viruses.


Common uses for oregano oil

Allergy Support-Oregano oil can provide a calming effect on individuals who are hypersensitive to seasonal and environmental factors.

Cold symptoms-Oregano oil can help ease breathing difficulties associated with a cold

Digestive help-Oregano oil helps to stimulate bile flow enhancing the process of digestion.

Immune system support-This study from the USDA shares the strength of oregano oil in defeating salmonella. Researchers at Georgetown Medical Center also share their belief that essential oils , with their long standing safety record would be useful in prevention and treatment of severe bacterial infections, especially those difficult to treat and those that are antibiotic resistant.

MRSA- Researchers found that the potent antibacterial properties of oregano oil could kill this hospital super-bug.

Sore muscles-The book, The Essential Guide to Essential Oils shares that a 50-50 mixture of oregano oil and a carrier oil, such as olive oil can help to relieve sore joints and muscles

ParasitesThis study shares the promising results of oil of oregano supplementation to rid the body of parasites. In fact, it was even more effective than Tinidazol, commonly prescribed for parasite infections caused by amoeba giardia.

Respiratory infections-According to this study, oregano oil also proved effective with respiratory infections brought on by Klebsiella pneumoniae.

Stress reducer-Carvaco, thymo and terpinene, just a few of the compounds in oregano oil reduce stress levels and promote well being

Yeast infections-Even those yeast infections that are resistant to Diflucan, respond well to treatment with oregano oil.

The benefits of antibiotic  without the risk

It may be surprising to learn that that oregano oil  may actually be superior to certain antibiotics. In fact the results of experiments showed that the oil was active against all of the clinical strains tested, with the most activity against E. coli.

E coli can cause intestinal inflectional infections with symptoms that include abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever. Severe cases can include bloody diarrhea, dehydration and kidney failure.

Where to get oil of oregano

Oil of oregano is available in many health food stores, online and through your health care practitioner. The Global Health Center has an oregano oil blend (Oregatrex), for internal use. It is organic, has an extra virgin olive oil base, and a minimum of 80% carvacrol. Its also blended with peppermint oil and capsaicin (the compound that gives peppers their heat) for added resistance to harmful organisms. NOTE: If you have issues with nightshades, I’d pass on this formula.

Its easy to get started with an organic oregano oil blend like Oregatrex. Simply shake the bottle, place 1-6 drops in a vegetarian capsule (included), and take at the beginning of your meal, 2-3 times daily or as recommended by your physician.

It includes 1 fluid oz. and includes 90-100 empty vegetarian capsules for easy serving.

Oil of oregano notes

Oil of oregano should only be taken  under the supervision of your health practitioner. Your doctor will advise on the strength, dosage and time recommendations based on your overall health and whatever condition you are trying to resolve.

Discuss with  your doctor if probiotics should also be taken with  oregano oil.

If purchasing  oregano oil, remember that when taken internally, oil of oregano does need to be diluted with  water, or oil.

Due to it’s strength, oil of oregano should only be taken for short periods at a time….again this is where your health practitioner should be advising you.

Since oil of oregano is from the mint family, if you have allergies to mint, it is best to avoid this oil.

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March 5, 2018

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