A note on: Keeping your heart open
When your heart is open, energy is flowing through you, enriching and enlivening you from head to toe down to the smallest particle of energy that makes up ‘you’.
When your heart is closed, your energy becomes stagnant, hampering your life-force and leading to premature decay of your physical cells.
Ask yourself, “how can I stay open to life? How can I radiate more joy from my heart?”
Expand Your Awareness:
Enjoyed this article and want to know more? Here are some easy steps you can take right now…
- Book a life changing “remote healing session” with Soul Guidance with Jaime: https://www.energytherapy.biz/energy-healing-with-jaime-tanna/
- Join Jaime’s fantastic 1 year Energy Coaching Program: Total Frequency Shift — Discover Radiant Health & Freedom
- Sign up for Jaime’s exciting new substack at https://energytherapy.substack.com/https://energytherapy.substack.com/
February 2, 2017