Dr Charles Hoffe MD, in his latest update of July 6, 2021 is reporting on the disturbing findings in his patients. He says the mRNA […]
Can you imagine what it would be like to live in confinement day in and day out, endure painful shackles around your feet, and be […]
As the winter solstice approaches, there is an ancient tradition that many of us still practice. Many adults and children alike here in the States […]
The following interview with Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav is extremely powerful and pertinent to today’s rising medical fascism, under the guise of a pandemic. Here’s a […]
The past few months have been a rollercoaster for most, with an incredible tightening of control over the usual freedoms we took for granted until […]
The President of Tanzania, Dr John Pombe Magufuli, has banned the use of face masks after noting that “face mask usage has caused anxiety among […]
Mark Steele, a 5G campaigner, has been highlighting the dangers of a secret 5G rollout by Gateshead Council where residents have been complaining of increased […]
Incredible events are unfolding at this time — but a large percentage of people are STILL NOT aware of critical information being shared by hundreds […]
In a compelling interview, Dr. Mike Yeadon lays out the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding Covid – and how we are now […]
Catholic clergy led by former papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and Cardinals Gerhard Ludwig Mueller, Joseph Zen, and Janis Pujats have joined an appeal […]
In recent days, another big, fat lie has been allowed to circulate unchecked and unverified in headlines across the media landscape. “Ivermectin: Why Are U.S. […]
https://youtu.be/Dj5uYRZr9WU Since the Corona Virus outbreak we have seen the rhetoric change quickly from ‘flatten to the curve’ and ‘stay home, save lives’ to ‘new normal’ and […]
Under the light of the March 20-21st Libra Super Moon, we are going to be guided to enter into the new. We are going to […]
Right now, the world is rushing towards creating a vaccine for a disease that is already on its way out. Despite the overall decrease in […]
The June 21st Solstice brings a turning point in the year. It is a time to reflect on our goals for the year gone by, […]
The September 19th-20th New Moon falls in the earthy sign of Virgo and will be guiding us on a healing journey. If you have had a […]
“A step‐op is one in which the bad guys keep going, one intrusion after another. It isn’t just West Nile, it’s West Nile, then SARS, […]
Hawaii’s volcano has spewed billions of tons of molten rock for the last 40 days – and now residents have even reported green gems falling […]
The October 5th Full Moon falls in the fire sign of Aries and is going to bring an intensity and passion to all of our […]
The Scorpio New Moon falls on October 27-28th and brings strong waves of energy that we will feel deeply to our core. The cosmic skies […]