
Three cardinals join global appeal decrying crackdown on basic freedoms over coronavirus

Catholic clergy led by former papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and Cardinals Gerhard Ludwig Mueller, Joseph Zen, and Janis Pujats have joined an appeal […]

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COVID-19: Waiting to live, waiting to die?

Humanity has been collectively awakening over the past few years. There has been a great arising of power because we have been making many more choices that collectively decide who we […]

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COVID-19: Do Draconian Measures Signify A Move To A Totalitarian Global State? Is anyone else buying the official dogma? Excuse me, narrative? What we’re seeing, quite clearly, is a totalitarian system subversively imposed on us, step […]

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Why you must STOP drinking Apple Cider Vinegar – or any other Vinegar!

 There are many wrong turns you can take when it comes to taking care of your health. The latest fad of drinking apple cider vinegar […]

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The Power of Lemon Water! Hydrate, purify, and revitalise your body!

December 15, 2019
Health , Spirit Science ,  0 comments Jaime Tanna

The bad news is that water coming straight from the tap or a bottle has most likely lost most of its vitality and its innate […]

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8 Powerful Mudras to rejuvenate the body, heal disease and awaken the power of your Divine Self

In the practice of Yoga, you are encouraged to use your body in many ways, but ultimately with the intention of drawing yourself inward. Mudras, […]

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Why Growing Food is The Single Most Impactful Thing You Can Do in a Corrupt Political System

What if our energy was invested in something that directly and immediately improved life, community, and the world at large? The simple act of growing our […]

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Science Finally Proves Meridians Exist

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Biochemist and Nobel Prize Winner. For […]

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How to Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit

The future of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment will not be found in your medicine cabinet, rather in your kitchen cupboard or in your back […]

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Why you need to get upside down! Inversions in yoga for health and wellbeing!

One of the most important practices of yoga are the inversions. Man is usually upright, apart from when he is sleeping, and the force of […]

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