Conscious Living

I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial 'victim' to my new position as 'co-creator' of my destiny
We need to move beyond Darwinian Theory, which stresses the importance of individuals, to one that stresses the importance of the community. British scientist Timothy Lenton provides evidence that evolution is more dependent on the interaction among species than it is on the interaction of individuals within a species. Evolution becomes a matter [continue reading...]
Mankind’s greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn’t have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded. All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.
Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.
My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn't prevent you doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with. Don't be disabled in spirit as well as physically.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. 
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
Where there is love there is life.
When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.
An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.