
Biological behavior can be controlled by invisible forces, including thought, as well as it can be controlled by physical molecules like penicillin, a fact that provides the scientific underpinning for pharmaceutical-free energy medicine.
We are not victims of our genes, but masters of our fates, able to create lives overflowing with peace, happiness, and love.
Just like a single cell, the character of our lives is determined not by our genes but by our responses to the environmental signals that propel life.
I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial 'victim' to my new position as 'co-creator' of my destiny
Mankind’s greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn’t have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded. All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.
Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.
My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn't prevent you doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with. Don't be disabled in spirit as well as physically.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.
Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.
Through the power of our forgotten inner technology, we can heal, bilocate, be everywhere at once, remote-view... and do everything in between
Laws change, habits dissolve, new forms and functions emerge whenever an individual or a society learns a new behavior. This is because we are all connected through what Sheldrake calls “morphogenetic fields” — organizing templates that weave through time and space and hold the patterns for all structures, but which can be altered according to our changing thoughts and actions.  
Free yourself from enslavement to the mind, enter into this enlightened state of consciousness and sustain it in everyday life.
Be easy about your life, letting all struggles and concerns go. No longer try to make things happen... with less resistance and more allowing, unwanted things cannot remain.
Accept - then act. Whatever this present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.
We have the power to protect ourselves. We are not imprisoned by our genetics because it’s not true that genetics determine whether we will have cancer
In order to go safely through this jungle of life you must equip yourself with the proper weapons.… The wise man who is armed against all forms of warfare—against disease, against destiny and karma, against all evil thoughts and habits—becomes the victor in this adventure.
As we begin to travel more lightly within the body, aging becomes a different experience.
Whatever is in me is stronger than what is out there to defeat me.
It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.