Inspiring And Meaningful Quotes On Energy Therapy

When the evidence for an anomaly becomes overwhelming, and the anomaly cannot be easily accommodated by the existing scientific worldview, this is a very important sign that either our assumptions about reality are wrong or our assumptions about how we come to understand things are wrong.
The first indication that you are disallowing your physical well-being comes to you in the form of negative emotion. You will not see a [...]
If you could make a decision to never allow negative emotion to linger within you—and at the same time acknowledge that it is your work [...]
Laws change, habits dissolve, new forms and functions emerge whenever an individual or a society learns a new behavior. This is because we are all connected through what Sheldrake calls “morphogenetic fields” — organizing templates that weave through time and space and hold the patterns for all structures, but which can be altered according to our changing thoughts and actions.  
The laws of nature are not absolutes; rather, they are accumulations of habits. The law of gravity, for example, is a pretty well-fixed habit, probably owing to the trillions of beings throughout the universe who give it general assent. Yet yogis, swamis, and more than a few Catholic saints report that, in deep meditation or spiritual rapture, [Countinue reading...]
Although each of us obviously inhabits a separate physical body, the laboratory data from a hundred years of parapsychology research [...]
Psychic abilities are neither sacred nor secular; they are just natural human abilities. We can use them to find lost car keys or elusive [...]
Miracles are both beginnings and endings... they undo the past in the present and thus release the future.
It appears to me that we are, first and foremost, looking for the experience of love. In a meditative state of mind, we can become aware [...]
Dzogchen teaches us to look directly at our awareness and experience the geometry of consciousness — the relationship of our awareness to [...]
To my mind, the self or ego is not who we are. This can be revealed in many ways, one of them being the practice of remote viewing. Among [...]
We came here to co-create with God by extending love. Life spent with any other purpose in mind is meaningless, contrary to our nature, and [...]
Meaning doesn’t lie in things. Meaning lies in us. When we attach value to things that aren’t love—the money, the car, the house, the [...]
Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the relinquishment—or unlearning—of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.  
Be not afraid, but let your world be lit by miracles.  
Free yourself from enslavement to the mind, enter into this enlightened state of consciousness and sustain it in everyday life.  
Anyone who is still totally identified with the voice in their head — the stream of involuntary and incessant thinking — will inevitably fail to see what The Power of Now is all about.  
You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!  
A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.
If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.