Inspiring And Meaningful Quotes On Energy Therapy

Exposure to sunlight produces vitamin D in the body. It’s needed for health. Exposure to the ground provides an electrical “nutrient” [...]
Earthing involves coupling your body to the Earth’s eternal and gentle surface energies. It means walking barefoot outside and/ or sitting, working or sleeping inside while connected to a conductive device that delivers the natural healing energy of the Earth into your body.
Earthing is simple, basic, and powerful. We regard it as a genuine missing link in the health equation, something with astounding potential to do much good for humanity.
Earthing restores your body’s natural internal electrical stability and rhythms. It shifts the nervous system from a stress-dominated [...]
An increasingly heavy burden of time has been accumulating in the human mind. All individuals are suffering under this burden, but they [...]
Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: [...]
If a relationship allows us to merely avoid our unhealed places, then we're hiding there, not growing.
Every thought we think is creating our future.
Language is the code for understanding and communication between humans. Every letter, every word in each language is an agreement... Once [...]
Your whole mind is a fog. Your mind is a dream where a thousand people talk at the same time, and nobody understands each other. This is [...]
The limit of your self-abuse is exactly the limit that you will tolerate from someone else. If someone abuses you a little more than you [...]
You are a function of what the whole universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.
Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.
The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.
There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle, or you can live as if everything is a miracle.
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.
Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
There are so many men and women who hold no distinctive positions but whose contribution towards the development of society has been enormous.
As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.