Inspiring And Meaningful Quotes On Energy Therapy

The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.
Grace is a power that comes in and transforms a moment into something better.
Inspiration can come to us at any time and from many sources. A song can inspire us, a book can inspire us, as can an effective and moving [...]
Forgiveness, openness and understanding flow naturally where there is compassion.
Don't let the negativity given to you by the world disempower you. Instead give to yourself that which empowers you.
Just as you wash your hands before eating, clear your mind before engaging with the world.
Recognise the serenity of your own inner Being. Let your attention be one with it. Feel its vibration. Do not create any image about this. Allow the space and the sense of emptiness simply to be. There is no better place to be than where you are right now. In this instant, there is nothing to do or undo. Nothing to change. Nothing to [Countinue reading...]
Let life be a sketch in your mind. Don’t try to live the future or force any projection, so that you experience being lived more than you are living. Like this you keep discovering that there is space and room for the unexpected changes that come dynamically through the breath of God. Don’t project so much what you are going to [Countinue reading...]
As you move about during the day, stay in the state of neutrality. Just be in the neutral place. It is not difficult for you. You don’t have to be suppressing the senses or steering them in some way. You didn’t wake up this morning and turn on perception. Just perception is happening by itself, spontaneously. Without You, the light of [Countinue reading...]
Such blessedness, for I am never separated. I am the indivisible one, the inexhaustible. This great world is just a mighty mirror that God puts in front of me that I may taste the joy of seeing His face. I know nothing about life. I am life. I have done nothing. I just am.
There is a space in you that does not have to be reached. It does not have to do anything at all. As much intelligence as is required arises spontaneously within the being. All your perceptions through the senses, the mind and the imagination are appearing in that space of pure awareness or consciousness; they are perceived without strain, [Countinue reading...]
Open your windows. Open your doors. Open your mind, your eyes and your heart to Truth. Trust in and be one with the Supreme Being.  
You must come to the place of total silence beyond the sense of ‘someone’ being silent. In our natural state, we are already beyond the play of mind.  
You must find out if you yourself are a thought-construct or prior to thought; and if you are also a thought, whose thought?  
You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.
We must look for ways to be an active force in our own lives. We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance and truly begin to live our dreams.
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up.
Where do we enroll in Life 101? Where are the classes dealing with the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, the failure of a relationship? Unfortunately, those lessons are mostly learned through trial by fire and the school of hard knocks.
You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change.