Reiki Level 2 | Reiki Second Degree (Okuden)
Reiki Second Degree, known as ‘Okuden’, provides powerful healing tools for those who want to take responsibility for their lives, enabling them to heal themselves and situations. Okuden brings a deeper understanding of the Reiki energies, increasing the student’s connection to the Higher Self and Universal Healing Field, thus magnifying the student’s healing potential. This is practitioner level and gives the student core tools to work with in their healing role.
“I was ready for the next level of my spiritual journey and scoured the internet for a teacher. I lost count of the number of links that I had clicked but knew straight away when I saw the Energy Therapy website that I had found what I was looking for. The course proved to be an incredible experience. Since Reiki 2 I have used the distant reiki healing so many times I have lost count. Thank you to Jaime for being an inspiring part of my journey.” TN
There tends to be a considerable increase in healing ability. Practitioners can “send” healing to people, places and situations, cleanse spaces energetically, and work powerfully on the subtle bodies to facilitate much deeper healings for themselves and their clients.
The course material includes (but is not limited to):
- Gokai – The Precepts revisted
- Kenyoku Ho
- The Reiki Symbols
- Usui/Tibetan Second Degree Attunement
- Practical energy work with the Reiki Symbols
- Space clearing
- Creating Sacred Space
- Practical hands on treatment using variety of techniques
- M/E Treatment – reprogramming the mind
- Healing unwanted habits
- Spirit release
- Kenyoku Ho
- Byosen Scanning
- Byosen Beaming
- Distant Healing
- Reiju (Japanese Attunement/Empowerment)
- Reiki Meditations
- Becoming a Practitioner
In Okuden there is a deeper exploration of Japanese healing techniques, and the first three Reiki symbols and their mantras are given during to the student. They are the Power symbol, the Mental/Emotional symbol and the Distant Healing symbol.
The Reiki symbols are keys that help to connect to your higher self energies. You can view them as push-buttons that help you to manifest your desire, since the symbols quickly connect the user to the universal life force (also known as ki, chi or prana). When a Reiki Master passes an attunement to a student, the energy of the symbol is impressed upon the student’s mind and opens the student’s energy bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) to the metaphysical energies it represents.
When a Reiki practitioner then draws, thinks about or visualizes a symbol it will instantly connect to the energies it represents.
Cost and enrollment
- Open to all, no previous training required.
- The cost includes your full training, comprehensive manual and Reiki certificate, recognised by the UKRF and CThA
- Cost varies depending on whether the course is fully residential or non-residential.**
- Check our events timetable for dates, teaching venue and cost.
**The non-residential price (typically £260 for the 2-day Reiki First Degree training) includes all training and materials, but does not include any meals or accommodation costs.
Further information
In addition to the heart space being further opened, an activation of one or more particular chakras and subtle bodies takes place at each Reiki level. In simple terms, an activation could be considered the switching on of an etheric circuit, enabling the individual to receive and be a conduit for a particular vibrational (density) band.
1st symbol: Power
The first symbol can be used to increase the power of Reiki. It can also be used for protection. See it as a light switch that has the intention to instantly boost your ability to channel Reiki energy.
2nd symbol: Mental/Emotional
This symbol is used to create a powerful healing technique that is extremely effective for alleviating worry, stress and mental overload, which may then lead to a physical manifestation of disease and/or imbalance.
3rd symbol: Distant Healing
This symbol represents a bridge to one’s Higher Self and allows the practitioner to send healing across time and space. Reiki Second Degree allows you to heal the past, present and future and heal all the relationships you hold dear. Whenever we experience any emotion other than love, such as fear, feelings of hurt, blame, anger, co-dependency, it’s possible to heal their root cause using Reiki. These feelings might stem from past situations and experiences or even past lives. With distant healing we can send energy back in time for healing and this can have a hugely beneficial effect on how we feel in the present.
You can “program” healing for particular issues that you want to work on, e.g. self-confidence, physical health, clarity, finances, etc. so that you feel balanced, energized and confident throughout the day and you can send healing to future events such as interviews, family gatherings, potentially difficult meetings with people, building work, selling a house, surgical operations and hospital appointments, etc.
Reiki courses are in small groups, usually from 6 to 10 people. Absolute minimum of 4 students required for a course to run.
Read client and student feedback
How to book
Check out our events timetable to book your place on the next exciting Reiki Second Degree course!
Want us to run a course in your city/country? Invite us to teach!
If you have any further questions about the course, please feel free to contact us.