💥 Are you dealing with chronic pain from injury or illness? Did you know that the energy bodies hold the patterning of ALL TRAUMA, and also need to be healed/corrected.
I had a terrible go karting crash in my late 20s and had a double prolapse disc, and severe nerve damage. I used to cry in agony and didn’t think I would walk again as my entire pelvis would slip. I often hobbled along like an old man… it took me years to fully heal but through that intense journey of awakening I’ve helped my clients recover in just a matter of weeks or months, and often just one session can trigger a cascade of healing…
I’ve been working remotely as an energy healer and life coach since 2005/6, and helped thousands of clients and students turn their lives around…
Spiritual Restructuring is a dynamic healing system which works with the energetic and physical structure of the human body, using advanced dowsing techniques and applied kinesiology to indentify what needs to be corrected, releasing tension trauma and spasm in the muscles, soft tissues, organs and glands. I’ve been working with this system since 2006 and the work is conducted entirely remotely — because consciousness truly has no limits! Read incredible client testimonials here and book in today!
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Praise for Energy Therapy (Testimonials)
Energetic restructuring of the spine and body helps to quickly release chronic holding patterns that are causing pain and/or immobility, as these testimonials reveal:
“My back is much better thank you very much for your kind help. It hurts a little bit when I walk for longer periods of time but it feels really good not to have pain. Top be honest I am astonished with the healing result. How can the pain disappear so fast!” SB
SB had been to a physio for several months and her back had relapsed. Spirit showed me an underlying energetic imbalance in the spine, which was corrected. The pain disappeared within 24 hours.
“Wow! Thank you so much for the SpR! For the first time in a year I can stand on my tip toes! My foot has improved considerably… totally marvellous!” AW
AW had hurt her foot in a traffic accident, and over 12 months had passed. Correcting the energetic lines along the foot facilitated immediate release of the lingering immobility and associated pain in the foot.
“All has been good since our session, thanks! Structurally I have felt my body is aligned rather than feeling it’s twisted, especially my spine. No healing crisis. Much less pain.” GM
GM had a prolapsed disc at the base of the spine, with sciatica and some loss of feeling in the left leg.
Immediate relief for pain and injuries
When there has been injury or trauma, the body tends to immobilise the area to protect it from further movement and pain. When the holding pattern becomes habituated, muscles can remain chronically tense even after the initial cause of the pain has disappeared.
Restructuring works synergistically
This method of working recognises the body’s capacity to self-correct as a fundamental principle of all healing that occurs during and after a treatment.
By freeing discordant energy trapped in the body, true healing can take place.
Spiritual Restructuring releases stressful body ‘memories’ and negative programming held in the body’s various systems.
The miracle of remote healing
Consciousness really has no limits, so we are not bound to healing in person, as ‘corrections’ can be made to the subtle energy body, and the physical body then ‘reads’ this information and self-corrects.
Jaime is based in Cyprus and works mainly over Skype, helping hundreds of clients all over the world.
Read Jaime’s articles on how remote healing works:
“I had severe pain in my spine and the doctor said that my spine was twisted from top to toe. Every vertebra would stand in a different position. So no wonder I could not stand on both feet at once.
Then, after the energetic work Jaime did, I felt an enormous heat in the middle of the night in my spine/body. And I slept amazingly deep. I am tired but feel very peaceful this morning. My back felt good… warm. Then two days later, all pain vanished. I am pain free for the first time for years.” SS
“Still not sure how it works but the improvements speak for themselves. I am pain free since it has taken effect and considering I was bedridden less than a week ago it is quite remarkable.” ES
How is Spiritual Restructuring done?
This is an intuitive psychic-spiritual healing method that has the capacity to bring about rapid healing results, whether conducted in person or remotely.
As with all forms of subtle energy work, the client will respond over the course of several days as the changes integrate into the physical.
Spiritual restructuring helps to:
Physically and spiritually adjust the vertebra, sacrum, hips, ribs, head, and torqued or jammed joints to improve freedom of movement
Release tension in over-extended muscles using gentle touch
Clear and balance emotional energy
Apply healing to all the major organs and glands
Release discordant programming
Retrains the brain and nervous system
When should you consider having a Spiritual Restructuring?
We always recommend seeing your doctor to rule out obvious trauma that needs medical attention. However, where physical pain and/or injury has been present for a while and there has not been much relief taking medication, doing physical exercises, or seeing physical therapists, then it may be that spiritual-energetic patterns are underlying the issues at hand.
You can also have spiritual restructuring after experiencing a major bout of illness, after big life changes such as bereavements, separations, divorce or a change in job, if you are experiencing a high degree of stress or anxiety in your life, if you are moving home and feeling ‘out of sorts’, when you want to make a fresh start in life, and to help you reconnect to your inner guidance.
Your body is both the spiritual and physical “ground” of your Being. By treating it well, you will enjoy life more and have access to greater amounts of energy.