
Miracles are both beginnings and endings... they undo the past in the present and thus release the future.
Be not afraid, but let your world be lit by miracles.  
a course in miracles book cover
A Course in Miracles has become a contemporary spiritual classic, devoted to teachings about who we are, our relationships to God and with [...]
Accept - then act. Whatever this present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. ~ Eckhart Tolle
Accept - then act. Whatever this present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it [...]
Around us life bursts with miracles. If we live in awareness it is easy to see miracles everywhere. ~ Thich Nhat Nanh
Around us life bursts with miracles. If we live in awareness it is easy to see miracles everywhere.
a return to love - marianne williamson
The mega-bestselling spiritual guide in which Marianne Williamson shares her reflections on A Course in Miracles and her insights on the [...]